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E-commerce Power
Discover E-commerce: Tools and Technologies for SMEs Growth

E-commerce Power <div class='stitle'>	Discover E-commerce: Tools and Technologies for SMEs Growth</div> This workshop will introduce the basics of E-commerce and the benefit it presents to businesses adopting such technologies.

Ahmed Muhammad Ali

Carmatec Magaza is an e-commerce platform for quality handcrafted and locally-made products. We offer our customers a streamlined shopping experience and innovative solutions for delivery, payment and communications. To our sellers, we offer a flexible platform that makes it easy to showcase products, manage sales and inventory, and learn what works best. Starting from Qatar, we envision Magaza to become the destination for all passionate craftsmanship in MENA region being recognized as the most trusted and most innovative platform. Magaza’s mission ultimately fits within the roadmap to achieve economic development as an essential part of the QNV 2030; helping diversify the country’s economy and guaranteeing a stable and sustainable business environment. Moreover, given that most of the targeted audience with Magaza are females, we believe that it’ll contribute to the bolstering of women’s role in the society and empower them to be active members in Qatar’s community. Lastly, with the use of technology and latest innovations in E-commerce, the enablement of locals using Magaza will foster human development through the motion of digital transformation supported by the government and guided by 2030 vision.

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Session Properties
Session Start Date January 22, 2018 16:00
Session End Date January 22, 2018 18:00
Capacity Limited
Speaker Magaza
Dusit Doha Hotel, Diplomatic Area, West Bay, P.O. Box 23373 Doha, State of Qatar
Dusit Doha Hotel, Diplomatic Area, West Bay, P.O. Box 23373 Doha, State of Qatar
Dusit Doha Hotel, Diplomatic Area, West Bay, P.O. Box 23373 Doha, State of Qatar
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